Attention students! Exciting events are on the horizon that you won't want to miss. Check the attached graphic. Don't forget to mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details...
Attention high school students! Are you interested in gaining real-world experience and college credits while still in high school? Work-based learning events and dual enrollment ...
Let's give a warm #BeBC welcome to Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, our featured college spotlight of the week! 🎉🎓 Learn about their diverse programs and opportunities for pe...
Attention high school students! Don't miss out on the chance to sign up for a FREE practice ACT. This is a great opportunity to get a feel for the real exam and boost your confide...
Stretch your mind and join in the fun of Wordle Wednesday! 🧩🤔 Challenge yourself to solve this week's puzzle and watch your problem-solving skills grow. #BeBC #GoRedskins #WordleW...
MAP test is around the corner, students! Get ready to shine and show what you've got! Remember, your hard work and dedication will pay off in the end. Let's ace these tests and ma...
Calling all 6-8 graders! It's time to mark your calendars for the upcoming MAP testing dates. Let's give it our best shot and show what we're capable of! 🗓️📚🤓 #BeBC #GoRedskins #M...
Perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals. Let's strive to cultivate this trait within ourselves and inspire others to do the same. ❤️🤍🖤 #BeBC #GoRed...
Stay updated with the latest school events and happenings for the week of 3/6. Make sure you don't miss out on anything important. Check out the attached graphic for more details....