Parents of E-Learners:
Here is the link for Virtual Learners to sign up for Spring MAP testing.\r\n
\r\nWe are offering the following dates and times for Spring MAP testing. MAP tests determine your child’s instructional level and measure academic growth throughout the school year. Remember, E-learners will have to come on campus for some testing events (MAP and GMAS in May). The testing environment will accommodate students sitting 6 feet apart and students will be required to wear masks while they are in the building. Students will check in at the cafeteria door. Each test usually takes most students about an hour to take but we allotted an hour and half just in case student needs more time. Parents will not be able to come in building during this time. \r\n
\r\n*If you have a school issued Chromebook, please make sure it is charged and bring it with you for MAP testing.\r\n
\r\nMarch 29th 8:30AM - 10:00AM\r\n
\r\nMarch 29th 1:15PM - 2:45PM\r\n
\r\nMarch 30th 8:30AM - 10:00AM\r\n
\r\nMarch 30th 1:15PM - 2:45PM \r\n
\r\nMarch 31st 3:30PM - 5:00PM\r\n