🎶🎤 Reminder! Join us for Family Music Bingo this Friday! 🎶🎤
Get your tickets today or grab them at the door! Don’t miss a fun-filled night of music, bingo, and family fun. 🎵✨
See you there! 🎉 #FamilyFun #MusicBingo

Order your yearbook soon!

Parents, please click the link for an important letter regarding vaccinations for students from the Georgia Department of Public Health. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Ww4HCGgZUkdFRv63lGLr1hmYjkHJ_GX?usp=sharing

Thank you to compassion students for hosting Chick-fil-A breakfast for our teachers this morning!

Please join us for the Richmond Hill Middle School Music Recruitment Events for Band, Orchestra, and Chorus!

Congratulations to the 2025 Intermediate and Chamber Orchestra's for earning straight SUPERIOR ratings at the GMEA LGPE assessments this past week. Both group are making history and setting the standard for musical excellence.

Congratulations to the 2025 Intermediate and Chamber Orchestra's for earning straight SUPERIOR ratings at the GMEA LGPE assessments this past week. Both group are making history and setting the standard for musical excellence.

Check out the Parent Insider for March 7, 2025: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGg82adD94/teaTunkq9wvdmSvfhtna7g/view?utm_content=DAGg82adD94&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h887491fef6

Get ready for Student Appreciation Day!

Congratulations to the RHMS Flag Football Team for winning the 2025 Region Championship in their middle school division! The Varsity Team also recorded an impressive region record with at 8-0 (6-0 in regular season, and 2-0 in the region tournament). Congratulations girls! #OutWork #OutPlay #OutDo #RHMSFlagFootball #2025RegionFlagChamps

Help the RHMS Leadership class gather items for their community service project!

See flyer for information on a camp hosted by Richmond Hill High School Cheerleaders

Are you interested in trying out for RHMS Cheerleading? See flyer for information!


Check out the Parent Insider for February 28, 2025: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGgCaA6ay4/u-2YgERjedOC_zT6t6eqPw/view?utm_content=DAGgCaA6ay4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h64af9e39d2

Our 8th graders are having an unforgettable time in Washington, D.C.! From exploring historic landmarks to seeing democracy in action, this trip has been filled with learning, laughter, and lifelong memories.
A huge thank you to our teachers, chaperones, and everyone who made this adventure possible!


Please join us for the Richmond Hill Middle School Music Recruitment Events for Band, Orchestra, and Chorus!

Flag Football Game Alert

Rising 7th & 8th grade boys interested in trying out for the boys basketball summer team need to register on the boys basketball website. These tryouts will have no impact on the 2025-2026 school team and are for the summer team only. Please reach out to Coach Vallbracht if you have any questions.