Don’t forget tomorrow our Live to Give Tree is our 1st Friday Charity. Can’t wait to see all the tacky sweaters!
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Tacky sweater
RHPS: We are Connected - December
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Get Georgia Reading November Newsletter
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Get Georgia Reading
SouthCoast Health Pediatrics is sponsoring a parent involvement night with featured speaker Dr. Kristi Duke who will be speaking about building parent child relationships.
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Please take the time to complete our Parent Climate & Culture Survey. Each school must have its survey responses, so if you have children at multiple schools you are likely being asked to complete multiple surveys - each school needs them. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Please take the time to complete our Parent Climate & Culture Survey. Each school must have its survey responses, so if you have children at multiple schools you are likely being asked to complete multiple surveys - each school needs them. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Holiday Baseball Camp When: Saturday, December 22, 2018 Where: Wildcat Field All participants are ask to bring a toy that will be donated to Ellas that will be distributed to local families in need.
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Wednesday, Nov 14th is World Diabetes Day. Let's show our support and help raise awareness by wearing blue that day!
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
ORDER your RHPS YEARBOOK TODAY! Order online at USE YEARBOOK ID CODE: 13299119 Yearbook Pricing: Standard Yearbook: $20.00 Add on Student’s name in foil: +$5.00 Yearbooks will be delivered in Spring. don’t miss out on these memories!
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
RHPS Food Drive Now through November 30th
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Food drive
RHPS: We Are Connected - November
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
We need an impact aid form returned from every student! The form was sent home last week (look for the green paper). Please contact your child's teacher if you need a form.
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
RHPS: It's Red Ribbon Week. Monday – “Sock it to Drugs” & 50th day of school-50's style sock hop. Tuesday – “Hats off to being Drug Free” Wednesday – “Too Cool to Do Drugs” Thursday – “Drugs are Unbearable” Friday – “Be a hero! Say no to drugs”
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
Warriors for William 5K Sunday, October 28th JF Gregory
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
RHPS: The book fair is HERE! Family Night is tomorrow from 4:30 - 6:00 PM. Hope to see you here! #RHPSistheBEST
about 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
RHPS Book Fair
Bryan County Schools will be open tomorrow - Friday, October 12th. We look forward to seeing our students and staff for another great day! #OneBryan
over 6 years ago, Bryan County Schools
RHPS: All Bryan County Schools will be closed on Thursday, October 11, 2018. As of now, the plan is to re-open Friday, October 12, 2018. Updates will be posted via Social Media, School Website and Text Message. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. In our most recent interaction with Bryan County Emergency Services and National Weather Service regarding Hurricane Michael, we learned there is still a possibility of strong winds impacting our area late tonight and all day tomorrow. Considering this most recent update, we do not want to take a risk with student and/or staff safety. As a result, Bryan County Schools will be closed tomorrow for all students and staff. Also, all extracurricular activities are cancelled for Thursday. Whenever we make a determination about cancelling school and closing our district, Bryan County School District officials spend hours studying as much quality information as possible prior to making this determination. Particularly in the case of making a future decision based on projections and predictions, it is important that we study as much information as is available to us. It is also important to remember that making decisions based on weather predictions can be a very difficult call. Even though we understand that tomorrow’s weather could turn out very differently than we have been advised at this point, we feel that closing the district tomorrow is in everyone’s best interest. Also, based on the most current information we have right now regarding Hurricane Michael, we do plan for the district to reopen on Friday. Again, we understand the track of this hurricane could change at any minute and require us to remain closed on Friday. Therefore, it is very important for you to pay attention to our multiple notification systems for any required updates on the circumstances. We hope all of our students, staff, parents and the entire Bryan County community remain safe as Hurricane Michael passes through our area. Our thoughts go out to the schools, students, staff and parents in the Florida panhandle and south Georgia.
over 6 years ago, Bryan County Schools
Bryan County School District officials continue to work directly with Bryan County Emergency Services and National Weather Service to monitor Hurricane Michael. The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. We have a scheduled conference call/webinar with the National Weather Service late this morning and afterwards will be consulting with Bryan County Emergency Services regarding the information that was shared. As a result, we hope to make a determination by early this afternoon about having school on Thursday. We wish our students and staff a wonderful day of learning today and appreciate your continued support!
over 6 years ago, Bryan County Schools
The Science Machine was AWESOME today! #science4everyone
over 6 years ago, Richmond Hill Primary School
The Science Machine