November 2, 2020
Bryan County Schools will continue offering traditional and e-Learning school environments, January through May. Except for those students who have not met the e-Learning require...

September 16, 2020
Be sure to check out our Virtual Title 1 Meeting! The documents referenced in the video can be found in the documents section of our website.

March 3, 2020
This meeting has been cancelled.

September 2, 2019
The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. In our most recent interaction with Bryan County Emergency S...

August 14, 2019
The 2019/2020 school year is off to a great start! We held our annual Title I meeting on Monday, August 12th following the volunteer training that evening. Thank you to everyone w...

January 14, 2019
The Parent Satisfaction Survey helps the state to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local school and themselves. The information is ga...

February 1, 2018
Parents - have a child turning 4 years old on or before September 1, 2018? Register him/her for our Pre-K! No need to beat down the doors of the school to get the paperwork, acces...

January 26, 2018
GADOE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES SURVEY In order for all students to graduate prepared to achieve a lifetime of success, families need to be an important part of the school tea...

January 19, 2018
Please read this important message from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

August 18, 2017
Flu Vaccine Consent Form (Due by September 1) \r\nFlu Vaccination Information \r\n \r\n

April 4, 2017
The Bryan County Board of Education is asking for your input by participating in the following survey regarding long range planning of Lanier Primary School and Bryan County Eleme...

January 17, 2017
In order for all students to graduate prepared to achieve a lifetime of success, families need to be an important part of the school team. It is critical that the GaDOE assist ...